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Tag along with Linda at Schaeffler

Schaeffler Nordics and Baltics is launching a new series of films aiming to increase the company’s brand awareness in the Nordic and Baltic market. In this video series viewers will get to know the company’s Customer Center representative Linda. Over six episodes she will, among other things share insights about Schaeffler, their product portfolio and services, explain how anyone is able to access numerous trainings created by Schaeffler and how the Schaeffler grease app is being used.

People watching the series of films, will get to know both Linda and Schaeffler, whilst still being entertaining. Although the purpose is to increase the awareness of Schaeffler locally, in an amusing and easy-to-understand way, viewers will at the same time learn more about topics that will be useful in their industries.

Tag Along with Linda – season 2

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Discover the Schaeffler world alongside our colleague Linda in our series Tag Along.

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Episodes Tag Along

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Exactly how vast is Schaeffler's product portfolio?

Well, like a 1,3 kilometer high tower made of toy bricks, that's how! Check out this episode of Tag Along, where Linda tries to visualize how huge our portfolio really is.

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480 000 000 bearings delivered in one year! How?

Linda has worked with us for over 10 years, but still learns new stuff everyday (sometimes while eating popcorn). In this episode of Tag Along.

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Over-greased bearings? Say no more!

Linda shows you how easy it is to get all the correct information in regards to arcanol grease, by using our free Grease App.

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From windmills to anemometers – same principle, different sizes!

Linda takes a quick look at bearing dimensions, and how much they differ, in this episode of Tag Along.

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How does Schaeffler’s bearing contribute to better sports equipment?

Linda visits a skatepark to show you what it is to roll with smooth wheels – and bearings!

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How is it to attend one of our training courses in the Schaeffler Academy?

One of our engineers, Jonny Persson, explains to Linda how one can become a better engineer with our academy.

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What is Schaeffler medias?

At medias you will find tools that help you as an engineer in your everyday life. Jonny explains more in this episode of Tag Along.

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